We started the month off with a field trip. The Kindergarten classes went to see Disney on Ice. I highly recommend this for anyone who hasn't ever been. the kids all loved it! I love all things Disney - especially the music. Out of all of the scenes, Beauty and the Beast was my favorite!
Rome rode on the bus with his class and then came to sit with me during the first half of the show. As soon as intermission started he told me he was ready to go back and be with his friends. At least he sat with me for a little while!
Rome and Brant
We no longer have a baby bed up in our house. I have to admit that I was sad the day we took it down. Nash's was so excited to have a big boy bed. I started him off with the mattress and box spring on the floor and moved him up after a few days. He looked so small in the bed - I know he will fill it up soon enough!
Rome wanted Jason to come to school and eat Thanksgiving lunch with him. The kid honestly cracks me up. He told Jason the reason he wanted him to come was because he didn't like yams, but he knew Jason did so he could have his!
Nash's pre-school also had Thanksgiving lunch. It just happened to be Alabama/Auburn day at our school. I painted Rome's face and natuarally Nash wanted paint on his face too! I painted a turkey on his. I got to go eat lunch with Nash and Gigi. The food was great and the kids even sang a song. They were soooo cute!
Not one shy bone in this kid's body...
Rome and Brant
Alabama/Auburn Day
Thanksgiving with the family.
Pirate Nash
Mother and Daddy
Rose and the boys...
Our bunch...
We usually take a group pictures but apparently we didn't this year or if we did somehow my camera wasn't around.
Nash Turns "3"
We just had a family birthday party. Nash wanted his cake to be Superman. Since his party was Thanksgiving weekend, we decided to take cupcakes and balloons to preschool so he could celebrate with his friends.